PrecisioNext won the PIONEERS TO THE STAR 2021 chip semiconductor PIONEER-10

Release date:2022-06-24

On December 15th, Shanghai United Media Group | China STAR Market released the "PIONEERS TO THE STAR 2021" selection list of science and technology innovation and the list of sub-tracks. With its outstanding performance in the six dimensions of market performance, financing situation, corporate innovation, government support, industrial chain position, and corporate reputation, PrecisioNext was awarded the "PIONEERS TO THE STAR 2021" with the most scientific and technological innovation in the field of semiconductor chips PIONEER-10.



The selection lasted for three months, focusing on the six popular tracks of chip semiconductor, biomedical, intelligent manufacturing, new energy vehicle industry chain, enterprise service, and technology consumption that have attracted much market attention. Through an authoritative, objective, and standardized selection system, from more than 100 scientific and technological innovation companies, 30 companies with the most scientific and technological innovation were selected. The selection of PrecisioNext is the society’s recognition of the company for its scientific and technological innovation strength in the field of semiconductor chips. It will not forget its original intention, forge ahead, and contribute to the domestic replacement of semiconductor packaging equipment.


In 2021, the global shortage of chips will continue; domestic and foreign technology companies will end up making chips; chip factories will expand production; chip factories will merge and acquire; and the semiconductor chip track will attract capital attention. At present, my country is the world's largest semiconductor chip manufacturing and consumer country. However, it is big but not strong. Many technologies, such as semiconductor equipment and materials, are still facing "stuck neck" technology. The semiconductor industry needs to change from "quantitative growth" to "quality improvement". Only by continuously improving its own technological innovation strength can it break through the "stuck neck" technology and realize domestic substitution. As one of the leading companies in domestic semiconductor packaging equipment, PrecisioNext has been established for 4 years. It has broken the monopoly of foreign technology in many fields and has attracted much attention from capital. It has completed 3 rounds of financing, with a total financing of 240 million yuan.

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